8 Easy Toppings for Cupcakes Day #4 Coconut Cupcakes

This is the cupcake topping that is chosen far more often than the other cupcakes that I make.  It is super easy and the results are beautiful.  It also tastes delicious!

Cupcake #4 - Coconut Cupcakes

18 vanilla cupcakes
1 tub vanilla frosting *
red food color
shredded coconut, sweetened

If desired, color the frosting with a few drops of red food coloring.

Pour a layer of coconut onto a large dinner plate.

Use a butter knife to frost one cupcake.

Tip the cupcake upside down onto the plate of coconut and press gently.  Repeat the process with the rest of the cupcakes.

*Coconut is also delicious with chocolate frosting.